eLearnSecurity (ELS) offers a lot of great certifications in the field of Cybersecurity. Last year, ELS was acquired by INE. In my opinion, after the acquisition, there are a lot of gaps. First of all, many the links in the training materials are broken. Also information regarding the certification or the training materials are limited on the internet. Though INE has a community forum, getting a clear cut answer or solution is based on your luck. I haven't seen a lot of activity on their community page. It seems like many of the students are not even aware of this new community website. When i was preparing for some of the ELS courses, i was having a hard time to get information on the certification exam, even for the exam syllabus. I have also noticed that many like me, posting queries on syllabus, report templates etc on other websites like reddit, twitter etc.
So, here are some of the useful links related to cybersecurity and its certifications, training and Syllabus.
Reporting Template : https://dsxte2q2nyjxs.cloudfront.net/reporting_guide.pdf
eJPT Penetration Testing Student (PTSv4) : https://dsxte2q2nyjxs.cloudfront.net/Syllabus_PTSV4.pdf
eCPPTv2 Penetration Testing Professional (PTPv5) : https://dsxte2q2nyjxs.cloudfront.net/Syllabus_PTPv5.pdf
eCTHPv2 Threat Hunting Professional (THPv2) : https://dsxte2q2nyjxs.cloudfront.net/Syllabus_THPV2.pdf
eCPTXv2 Penetration Testing eXtreme (PTXv2) : https://dsxte2q2nyjxs.cloudfront.net/Syllabus_PTXv2.pdf
eCIR Incident Handling & Response Professional (IHRPv1) : https://dsxte2q2nyjxs.cloudfront.net/Syllabus_IHRPv1.pdf
eCXD Exploit Development Student (XDSv1) : https://legacy.elearnsecurity.com/collateral/Syllabus_XDSV1.pdf
eCMAP Malware Analysis Professional (MAPv1) : https://legacy.elearnsecurity.com/collateral/Syllabus_MAPV1.pdf
eCDFP Digital Forensics Professional (DFP) : https://dsxte2q2nyjxs.cloudfront.net/Syllabus_DFPv1.pdf
eMAPT Mobile Application Security and Penetration Testing (MASPTv2) : https://dsxte2q2nyjxs.cloudfront.net/Syllabus_MASPTv2.pdf
eWPTv1 Web Application Penetration Testing (WAPTv3) : https://dsxte2q2nyjxs.cloudfront.net/Syllabus_WAPTv3.pdf
eWPTXv2 Web Application Penetration Testing eXtreme (WAPTXv2) : https://dsxte2q2nyjxs.cloudfront.net/Syllabus_WAPTXV2.pdf
eWDP Practical Web Defense (PWD) : https://dsxte2q2nyjxs.cloudfront.net/Syllabus_PWD.pdf
eNDP Practical Network Defense (PND) : https://dsxte2q2nyjxs.cloudfront.net/Syllabus_PND.pdf
eCRE Reverse engineering professional (REP) : https://www.elearnsecurity.com/collateral/Syllabus_REPV1.pdf
Public Penetration Testing Report List : https://github.com/juliocesarfort/public-pentesting-reports
New ELS/INE community forum : community.ine.com/
ELS Reddit community : https://www.reddit.com/r/eLearnSecurity/
Below are some of the popular eLearnSecurity links, before acquired by INE. Still contains lot of information which are not available on the INE website.
Old ELS community forum (Not Maintained/Updated) : https://community.elearnsecurity.com/
Old ELS website (Not Maintained/Updated) : https://legacy.elearnsecurity.com/
ELS Youtube Channel (Not Maintained/Updated) : https://www.youtube.com/user/eLearnSecurity/videos